Finartz Digital Wallet Platform

Launching your digital wallet is easier than ever.

Whether you’re a Bank, an E-money institution or a Retailer, we provide you with our cutting-edge Digital Wallet solution from ideation to production to full-scale deployment.

Highly Customizable and 100% API-based Infrastructure

Our cloud-native Digital Wallet solution is built for flexibility. The ready-made solution adapts to your specific business needs.



Payment Industry Experts at Your Service

From ideation to production to full-scale implementation we augment your team with payment industry experts.


Don't start from scratch!

Our pre-built integrations, streamlined processes, and flexible APIs ensure businesses stay ahead of the curve and quickly serve customer needs.

Wallet What Our-2

What does our digital wallet solution offer?

You can utilize our platform with its ready-made modules and customize it to align with your business requirements and specific country or regional needs.

This empowers you to offer a comprehensive suite of financial services, encompassing various transaction types: peer-to-peer money transfers, payments, and international remittance. Additionally, you can provide different features like savings and loyalty programs.

Wallet Features

Out-of-the-box Features

Save time, start strong!

  • Cross Platform Mobile Application
    One application running on IOS and Android
  • Customer Onboarding
    Sign Up, Sign In, Forgot Password, KYC Flows
  • E-Money Wallet
    Consumer, Business, Multi-Currency, KYC Segmentation
  • E-Money Transactions
    Topup, Withdraw, P2P Transfer, Payments, Cashbacks, Currency Exchange
  • Easy Integration
    Simplified Financial Service Integrations, Automated Reconciliations
  • Notifications
    Push, SMS, Email
  • Feature Rich Admin Panel
    Manage everything from Admin UI


Tailored Solution For Every Business

You may need to know

Frequently Asked Questions

What unique features differentiate the Finartz digital wallet solution?

Finartz digital wallet solutions are user-friendly, secure, and tailored for every business. These ready-made solutions offer a wide range of features, ensuring a faster time to market. But that's not all! Finartz goes beyond simply providing a product. We enrich your business with our tailor-made approach, fintech advisory, and flexible business models.

Is it possible to customize digital wallet solution?

We offer extensive customization options, ranging from interfaces and user experience to technology and architecture. Our motto is "Your brand, your business model, our technology.”

What deployment options do you offer for your digital wallet solution?

We can provide you with different options for hosting your applications. Depending on the regulations and preferences of your region, it can be implemented as a cloud-based solution or hosted on your own servers. Our applications are designed to work seamlessly in both environments.

Is it possible to integrate functionalities into the digital wallet solutions?

We can perform both internal and third-party API integrations for all your requirements. Especially in financial applications, you may need to integrate with different institutions. Based on our experience, we can support you with fast and secure integrations.

Is it possible to create an open-loop or closed-loop digital wallet?
It is possible to create both open-loop and closed-loop digital wallets, depending on your specific requirements. 


Do you provide a mobile client for the digital wallet?

Our digital wallet solution includes a cross-platform mobile client for iOS and Android devices. Our modular infrastructure also gives you the flexibility to use your existing mobile client or develop a new one.

Does Finartz have an E-Money and Payment Institution Licence?

It's important to note that Finartz is a fintech software development company and does not hold an e-money or payment institution license.

Want to learn more about how our Digital Wallet solutions can help you?